Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Note - my new favourite thing.

I glimpsed Microsoft One Note many years ago but didn't take too much interest as it was an added extra to be paid for. Now that it is part of the Office 2010 suite and I actually have it on my computer, I can't stop playing. There are so many ways it can be used in education; I hope to keep you posted on the great ways kids are using it in the classroom this year. Personally, I am finding it really handy as a notebook (funny that!). I love the tabs that allow me to separate the different aspects of mŷ work I love that I can take screen clippings from the web and it automatically references it for me. This is really handy for checking back without having to search for the page again and also to have the reference ready for using iWork published. I love that I can send other documents directly to a page eg Word, PowerPoint. I love that I can send a whole web page to it for reading later on, knowing the links will be live when I need them. I love that I can record audio and video directly into the notebook. I love that I can insert a video and then take notes which turn into markers for specific spots in the video I may want to return to or share with others. I love lots of other things too, but I'll fill you in with specific examples when I have them.

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