Friday, December 5, 2014

Digital native vs digital immigrant

by Campus Party Brasil

The terms ‘digital native’ and ‘digital immigrant’, as coined by Marc Prensky in 2001, do not sit comfortably with me. I have heard many speakers and teachers use the terms, usually as a basis for promoting the use of technology in classrooms. Whilst I do not argue that the children of today have only known a world with technology and are often comfortable in using a variety of technologies, I do not believe that those of us born before the digital revolution are any less capable of operating within this developing environment. 

by Aron Stevenson
Prensky states that our students today are native speakers of digital language, yet I would also consider myself a native speaker because I have used the language as it has developed. I have lived in the time when the language was invented so I could also be considered a native speaker. The fact that some people choose not, or have no need, to use the language does not necessarily mean that they are immigrants any more than a person who does not use language related to disciplines that use a specific language are eg music, medicine, law.
Prensky refers to people as having digital immigrant accents and states that schools often feel as though they are staffed by heavily accented foreigners.

by Mario & Amanda
Maybe we could look at this a different way. For many teachers, the language may be somewhat new but, like me, they are living in the time when the language was invented so there should be no accent. What is different for a teacher is the landscape and the routes that can be taken to arrive at varying destinations that have altered. Teachers can, in fact, speak the language but some need assistance in re-routing in order to traverse the landscape in the most efficient way. Teachers need a GPS (or a Go to Person to Steer). A GPS knows your starting point and can suggest possible ways to arrive at your destination with the option of choosing quick, easy and fast routes. The driver (teacher) can select the route that best suits them. Given that the destination often changes when operating in a digital world, some recalibration may be necessary along the way. But whilst you have a GPS the navigation should be less risky. Some teachers may depend on the GPS longer whilst others become familiar with the rout that suits them and can navigate without further assistance (knowing that the GPS is available when needed in the future if, and when, the destination changes again.
Another aspect of the digital divide that is often commented on is the ability of digital natives to multi-task. Can students really learn whilst watching TV or listening to music? Wood et al in their article, Examining the impact of off-task multi-tasking with technology on real-time classroom learning, concluded that while multi-tasking did not seem to affect rote memorization, it might hamper higher-order tasks that involve understanding material and application of the material to novel situations. The results of studies are consistent with both the cognitive bottleneck theory of multi-tasking and provide evidence that attention, especially for complex tasks, can be impaired when multi-tasking is involved.

There may be a digital divide, but I don’t believe it has a great deal to do with when one was born. I agree with
there’s no evidence of a clear-cut digital divide. Use of technology varies with age, but it does so predictably, over the whole age span. And secondly, although younger people are more likely to be positive about technology, there is evidence that a good attitude to technology, at any age, correlates with good study habits.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Technology vs Pedagogy

  by  Wesley Fryer
Greg Whitby (ABC, 2014) claims that the focus on technology is a "waste of time". He says: "If you focus on the technology, you ignore the central problem and the central issue."

We have been talking about technology as if it is something brand new for the past decade. Since the introduction of the iPad into classrooms and the availability of more affordable  technology such as Chromebooks , the conversation seems to have increased, especially with the move towards BYOD in many schools.
We have been saying for years that is is not about the tools, it is about the learning. And yet, we still talk about the technology. I believe this is because many teachers are trying to work out how to incorporate technology into the programs they may have been using for years; the technology is still a substitution for books, pencils, paper.

So, if we focus on technology, we do miss the central issue - pedagogy. When teachers adopt a more contemporary approach to learning, the technology required to support this will eventually move into the background - students will reach for the readily available technology that will fulfill their needs, whether that be to investigate, collaborate, create or communicate their ideas (and in ideal situations, all four).

Paul Saettler (as cited in Roblyer & Doering, 2014) said "Computer information systems are not just objective recording devices. They also reflect concepts, hopes, beliefs, attitudes." We may ask if the current technologies being used in classrooms do, in fact, reflect our hopes, beliefs and attitudes with regard to educational outcomes for students? The move towards personalisation of learning requires a broader approach to the use of ICT than was possible in the past. We have seen the use of technology develop from being used predominantly for consumption to an emphasis being placed on creation. Whilst technology can have an enormous impact on what is possible in education today, unless it is being driven by solid, contemporary pedagogy there is a risk of the technology remaining a shiny gadget which contributes little value to student learning outcomes.

ICT General Capabilities in all Subject Areas will be a key driver in helping teachers to develop an innovative approach to contemporary pedagogy.
Teachers who struggle with technology should consider setting up their own peer network and seek help at the point of need. Use the technology available to learn about the technology - YouTube is now the go-to place for finding out how to do almost anything. A Google search can also provide access to ideas tried and tested by other educators from around the world.Utilising students' skills will also harness their knowledge and build a learning community within the classroom where everyone feels comfortable enough to ask for help (including the teacher).


Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2012). 21st century education. Future Tense.  Retrieved from

Roblyer, M., & Doering, A. (2013). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching: International Edition, 6th Edition, Pearson.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Day with George Couros

I gathered with approximately 100 primary school teachers today to learn from George Couros.
Here is my Storify of the day...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Impact of Space

Doorley & Witthoft (2012 p.30) impress upon us that space is something that can create an impact on the way we learn, work and play immediately. So, starting with what you have, make a change. In your learning environment, is there an empty space? Find one, take it and transform it, quickly. You might consider making a pop-up learning space from scratch for a short period of time, or adapting an existing space in a small way with the goal of making a difference to learning.
What did you change or transform quickly in your learning environment?

Early last week I was working with  Stage 2 teachers to plan their Science unit for the term.
The teachers decided to have a question box so that students could write questions relating to the topic as they thought of them. This would form the basis of their search for a question/s to pursue for their Guided Inquiry project.
I suggested that they use Ewan McGregor's Googleable and Non-Googleable question idea. The questions would be there for all to see, the students could start to understand the difference between questions that can be answered quickly (Googleable) and those that would stimulate discussion and collaboration on a search for answers to deeper questions (Non-Googleable).
When I read the forum topic, I decided to ask the class teacher if I could transform a space in her classroom.
The area was a small alcove off the main space. It is a wet area and a dumping ground for broken chairs, rubbish bin, old worksheets and anything else that has nowhere to live. 

This would become the class Question Cave.
I cleared the space and set up the wall with the headings under which the students would add their questions.
I also attached paper to the side of the filing cabinet that could not be moved. This will be used for students to add diagrams and any drawing they think will make explaining an idea or concept easier.
The students are very excited and can’t wait to start adding their own questions to the wall.

They are also feeling in competitive mode - who can provide answers to the Googleable questions?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A New Road to Travel

I now have another Blog which is a reflective journal for my new course through CSU: Master of Education (Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovations).
I will cross post here...
A New Road to Travel

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New Google Apps

Life is getting better with regard to using Google Docs, Slides and Sheets on mobile devices (especially iPads).
Whilst we have been able to access our docs from the Drive app, Google have released specific apps for Docs and Sheets with Slides to follow.
I am most excited about the coming of Slides - at the moment we can only view Slides presentations on mobile devices. This has been problematic for BYOD iPad schools - not being able to create and edit slides on mobile devices has been a real bug bear.
I hope we don't have to wait too long for Slides.
In the meantime, I have downloaded the Docs and Sheets apps and have found the added features useful.
Check out the details on the Google Blog